
Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Letter from Heaven...

This new 5 -week long class that I'm taking, really makes you think..and get motivated.
 I found myself looking through some files and piles of paper that I had "saved" because I thought at the time that it was good advice or something I "should do" to get myself and my art out there!  But, there the piles of paper sat,...neatly filed...for the "someday" that never really came...until now!  I need to pick up the files, blow off the dust, and dig in and follow some of the advice and tips, contact some art galleries, read the saved  articles & submission form that have not been filled out because of a fear of rejection. Now is the time to face my fears, leap fearlessly and spout wings!!  My course Flying Lessons and artist & teacher Kelly Rae Roberts are helping me to do just that!

It's amazing, when I rummage through my papers, (I do this from time to time, usually when I'm searching for a way to branch out or better myself), I can be taken by surprise in finding an encouraging note or an old saved letter from my mom (that has passed).  What a surprise!..and yet, that letter usually is just the right advice or just the message I need to hear. Finding these letters always make me smile...they are like a much-needed visit or a phone call from her!

 This time it was a note, from my brother, in the service at the time, scribbled at the end of a letter to my mom & dad with a P.S. directed especially to me! WOW, what are the chances that I would come across this letter?..and in this pile of papers?  I was only a child when that note was sent, but it was saved.  What timing!! I needed to hear from him. Oh, how I loved him and looked up to him. Because he was an older brother, he gave advice and definitely encouraged me to use the talent that God gave me.
  He was probably the most influencial person in my life.  Sadly, he passed years ago, but do you know what?  He is here with me, I know it, because I found the scribbled note to me, to remind me to use my talents, get motivated, promote myself, so that others will be able to view and enjoy my artwork in galleries, magazines and hopefully enjoy having it hang in their businesses and homes.
That's exactly what Kelly Rae Roberts is teaching us to do, too!..... (smile).


Helena said...

What a beautiful post, and a special gift that you found!!
Off to dry my eyes:)

Fellow flyer from Beaufort SC

Debra Howard said...

What a wonderful blessing to receive. They always seem to come just when you need them. Great post.
I needed to read that this evening. Its been a tough day and was feeling my wings falter. Thank you.
Debbie a fellow flyer from TX

Lisa Rivas said...

Gulp! Teary eyed me and how I feel your spirit rejoice with this find. What a treasure you are, inspiring to the core. Your work is so awesome. Hugs <3

Indigene Theresa said...

This brought such warmth and tenderness to my heart. What an incredible blog post!

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